Tim Lowe, has to be one of the most boring gay pornstars. He is cute, but really lack luster, even with editing, and a great script. His performances, are in the same category, as Kurt Srefano just really dull.
At some point in the narration, Gary DID say that they shared a bed. The other bedroom that Steve hid out in belonged to their out-of-town parents. I'm sure it seemed more plausible in the original short story than it does when you can actually see their bedroom.
Jerry Douglas est une pointure comme réalisateur de films gays.Le film commence par un touche-pipi avec son frangin qui terminera par l’enculer et lui rouler une pelle soft.La présence de Tim Lowe meilleur acteur gay 1990 ajoute par son charme beaucoup de plaisir à regarder ce film